Thursday, August 03, 2006

i'm so bored with the...

a short ventilation of frustration. no interesting musings on what really constitutes the human condition. no fascinating recaps of my journeys around the world. no defense of rain. just frustration. and possibly some anger.

i'm currently trying to get myself a ticket to that fine continent on the other side of the world, australia. see some opera houses, battle some dangerous animals, hear some interesting accents and most importantly, see that girl i love so much. why would anyone want to interfere with this noble endeavour? well, i don't know, but mr dentist and mrs insurance company sure seems to want to, by taking (what seems like) eternally long summer vacations. you see, i knocked a tooth out whilst practicing handball when i was 11 and the insurance ran out june 30th this year. aware of this, i went to mr dentist on the 19th of june for the necessary first check. he was then to send a proposed plan with estimated costs to mrs insurance company. when he did, he got no reply despite trying phone, e-mail and fax. after some investigation, i found out that the person who handled my case at the insurance company had quit. nice going, mrs insurance company. so in the end, my case ends up with a real person, although a couple of days after june 30th. i do not currently know if this will be a huge deal or not. so ok, we're in the beginning of july here, still plenty of time to get things done and teeth fixed, but no! suddenly, everyone goes on vacation until the beginning of august! and the dentist is on vacation until august 15th! and my case at mrs insurance company is currently with some dentist expert/consultant who just might be on vacation! i don't know! and i'm hoping to leave the country in six weeks! do you see my dilemma? do you see? i have booked a ticket, but the booking expires on tuesday and i'm afraid ticket prices will go up since it's not very far away in the future and tickets might be scarce. and i don't know what to do because everyone is on vacation and i can't get in touch with them.

ok, that was all i got. feel my pain. it's almost as bad as not having a home or money to buy food.


Kumadude said...

Vacations really do bite the big one, especially (or, well, almost exclusively, really) when I'm not the one having them. My problems are of a less urgent nature, but yeah. Having worked for a month and a half of a thesis we have no idea if it will be approved or not is a little frustrating. Professor? Out sick for months. Replacement? Vacation. Replacement for replacement? Back on Monday.

Rinse, repeat, wipe hands on pants, as it were.

Peter said...

you know what you should do?

rant about it extensively in your blog.