Saturday, March 10, 2007

money in the bank

last thursday me and david went up to karlstad to arrange a table hockey tournament for an it company and some of their clients. we've done it a couple of times before so it's fairly run-of-the-mill by this point, a lot of pleasant and very little nervous. everything went smooth and the people there seemed to have lots of fun and were very appreciative of us. included in the deal for us were hotel room, free food, free travel to and from karlstad, a bit of money and free tickets to the hockey game that evening, färjestad-mora. it's a fair bit of travel for me for the money i get, but i still really like the fact that i'm earning money just by being good at table hockey. and every year, we talk about designing a package for companies for kick-off events and company promotion events and the like, how much money we could earn and how much everybody would like it, and then nothing happens. of course we've realized this, so now we also talk about how nothing happens. perhaps this is the year it all will happen, but i seriously doubt it. i suppose we get one step closer to saying "this is ridiculous! let's just put this package together, it'll take an hour!" every year, but it might still be a few years away from happening. then we'll be millionaires.


(sorry, black adder III moment there)

moving on, i had the trip back to lund all planned out in my head: leave karlstad early, spend the day in gothenburg sauntering around, have some coffee and possibly buy myself something nice because it was my birthday. alas, it was not to be. on the morning in karlstad, i felt nauseous, but thought it would pass once i had some breakfast. alas, it did not. instead experienced increased nausea and threw up several times on the train down. the gag reflex is one mighty reflex, that breakfast came back up at a remarkable velocity. i can't help but be a little bit impressed. needless to say, of my chillaxin' day in gothenburg became naught, instead replaced by a vomitin' day at a bookshop, where i alternated between a wooden bench and the toilet. a supremely badly timed case of getting sick, although i supposed it would have been even worse if it had happened on the train up. still, getting sick far away from home when you have two three-hour train trips ahead of you, with a six-hour sauntering stop in the middle, has got to count as bad timing. also, on my birthday! hand over the martyr points! i'm still not feeling great, but a lot better. i might get my ass to school tomorrow and continue the data structuring and graph generating.

rachel told me yesterday that there is a studio ghibli museum. a quick web search later and i located it to mitaka, a tokyo suburb that i haven't heard of before (hey - we can't all be harajuku and get our name printed on hoodies from a swedish clothing chain). i believe this might be the ULTIMATE museum. if you don't believe me just look at some of the pictures on this page. a totoro dvd player! totoro in the ticket booth! a cat bus that you can play with! a damn sweet entrance! and more! it just seems to capture the spirit and feeling of the ghibli movies so well. and since pretty much all of the movies are really, really good, by extension the museum is as well. if you are not familiar with hayao miyazaki or studio ghibli, i suggest you watch the following movies: princess mononoke, my neighbor totoro and spirited away. actually, you could go with any movie they have released, i can't think of a single one that i don't like. they are japanese anime movies and very different from 'conventional' animated movies like the ones from disney, but that doesn't mean they're difficult, pretentious or inaccessible. just that they tell very different stories and sometimes in a different way. they're not crammed with stereotypes, the only funny character is not the weird sidekick and the main character is often a young girl. i could go on, but really, you should watch a movie or two. they're extremely likable.


Anonymous said...

Finally! Nice to find my name in the only blog I use read more often than never. Thanks for the trip, mate.

Kom på i efterhand att jag kanske borde bjudit hem dig på lite omvårdnad på din födelsedag. Men du hade kanske mest känt dig i vägen, och så hade ju två läskiga bussresor tillkommit. Och stadsbussarna är inte lika spyvänliga som tågen.

Speaking of att undvika bussar känner jag att jag måste dela med mig av mina erfarenheter. Efter SM 2001 sov jag hos Hans, och inledde måndagen med att spy. Åkte ett spyvänligt X2000 till Göteborg, och pendel till Kungsbacka. Men vad gör man när man väntar på en buss och inte har nån bokhandel i närheten? Använde mig av en papperskorg utanför busskuren, hoppades att ingen av alla människor runtomkring märkte nåt, och gömde mig sedan snabbt på bussen. Lyckades hålla mig under den halvtimmeslånga resan, men det var läskigt. Vad hade man gjort om ifall att?

Alltså: hemma, bokhandel eller tåg. Inte buss.

Peter said...

bah, jag skrev ett utförligt svar, men google svalde det någonstans på vägen. nåja.

att bjuda in är ju alltid en trevlig gest, men som du säger så hade det mest tillkommit komplikationer. det bästa hade varit om du var miljonär och antingen hade en extra, tom lägenhet nära tågstationen, eller om du köpt en tågbiljett till lund till ett tåg som avgick snarast. men eftersom du inte är en generös miljonär så var nog bokhandeln att föredra.

läskigt med bussar när man är kräksjuk, men i näst värsta nödfall (kräver att man har någon form av kontroll när man kräks) så kan man hoppa av på en för tidig hållplats och spy utanför och ta nästa buss. har man ingen kontroll, då sitter man i skiten.

Kumadude said...

Dude! What's up with the no-commenting on the newest post? I had a killer one coming too, it somehow managed to involve kicking things up a notch, by in fact utilizing very sharp knives. But as this is not that post, I surely cannot comment on that here, now can I?

Peter said...

dude! i don't know where that came from, but some clicking and hacking later and things have been restored to normal. feel free to proceed to the latest post and leave witty, knifey comments that kick things up notches.