Tuesday, February 20, 2007

pretty much nothing

instead of working on my inner qualities, i work on my blog. i've tried to find a nice design over at wordpress because all the people who seem to know anything say it's so much better there, but it's oh so slow. i don't want to wait 5 seconds for a page to load even if it has so many more features in it. well, i could stand waiting once, but getting a blog entry in involves several clicks and therefore way too many dead seconds. maybe one day when it's faster. instead, i opted for this semi-slick design out of ol' blogger. i hope you approve. also i'm aware that it's hard to make out what's actually in the new picture, but...i got nothing. it's cool in full size!

that's all i have for the moment. my life is extremely unexciting right now, tasks for the immediate future include: applying for subsidized rent, paying rent, paying union fees, applying for student loans...it's pretty much the opposite of the title of that ani difranco album, "so much shouting, so much laughter". maybe next week, when my thesis starts, my life will be more like this ani difranco album title.

oh, and i can't go out without music and web comics. so my current favorite album is "what the sea wants, the sea will have" by sarah blasko. she's one of those aussie gems i found whilst hanging out "down under". i don't know if you can find it here at all, but if you ask me really nicely, i'll lend it to you. for webcomics, let's visit some classic xkcd on nachos. for real life comics, i've recently made a trip to the library and borrowed a whole bunch. will set me on to this path of acquiring comics and it's a brilliant idea. right now i'm reading "chicken with plums" by marjane satrapi, of persepolis fame. it's about an iranian musician whose tar breaks and how he doesn't deal with that very well. it's very good. satrapi is very good.

ooh, labels! i'm now going to begin a life of labelling.

1 comment:

Kumadude said...

Man, I wish I too had the... cohones(?) necessary for updating the look of the ol' blog. Maybe I shall grow them some day. Perhaps using the pizza which still hasn't arrived, despite me waiting the mandated 35 minutes!