Tuesday, February 20, 2007

trouble; invite

ok, since i currently have no phone (the bastard stopped working yesterday) i'm throwing this out here. would anyone like to go and see ratatat at inkonst in malmö this thursday? they're instrumental and hiphop-ish and electro-ish and playful and fun. links for the inquisitive: inkonst, record review #1, record review #2, a song!, another song!

also, did i mention my phone doesn't work right now? so the best way to find me is e-mail, icq or msn.


Anonymous said...

Sorry, no fun for me this week. It seems I've come down with a flu, which is a most excruciating experience. Hope I didn't transfer if to someone else last Saturday (broke out on Sunday...).

Oh well, I hope you'll have a good time!

Peter said...

dang, dude! i sure hope i ain't getting none o' that. anyway, i'm visiting my grandma on thursday afternoon, but somehow i don't think this is for her. get well soon!